// 110 volt 60 hertz Software Versio 02-24-20 gsk #include #define SoftVer 4 // Software Version 1 = 6 settings, 2 = 18 settings, // 3 = 12 settings, 4 = 18 settings + Therm3 #define SpeedRotary A7 // Define Speed Rotary Switch as Address A7 #define SpeedToggle A4 // Defining Speed Toggle Switch Address as (A4) #define TimeRotary A5 // Defining Time Rotary Switch Address as A2 #define TimeToggle A3 // Defining Time Toggle Switch Address as (A3) #define ACenablePin 6 // Output AC Enable SCR Pin #define ACpulseTime 500 // Amount of time to fire Trigger on SCR #define AnalogPin0 A0 // Anolog A0 for Frequency Potentiometer input #define AnalogPin1 A1 // Anolog A1 for Frequency Potentiometer output #define CycleLED 13 // Define Digital Pin 5 for output Cycle LED #define FireDelay 12000 // Fire Delay before sending charge to coil #define IntPin 2 // Interrupt pin being used #define Therm1 725 // Capactitor charge thermistor for SCR1 Normally set to 725 #define Therm2 725 // Coil discharge thermistor for SCR2 #define Therm3 840 // Capacitor thermistor 840 approx = 115 degree F #define TrigPin 8 // Output Capacitor Charge Trigger Pin Normally Pin 8 #define PulseDelay 5800 // Pulse delay after zero crossing #define PulseSpacing 15500 // Pulse Spacing between charging phase shifts #define StartDelay 1500 // Startup Delay in milliseconds #define ZeroCrossPin 4 // ******* Input Zero Crossing Pin ************ int BAUD=9600; // Serial Port Baud Rate int DoublePress = 0; // DoublePress Flag int eeAddress = 0; // EEPROM initial starting address int FireSwitch = 0; // Holds Toggle Switch setting for Address Line (SpeedToggle) int IntFlag=0; // Interrupt flag initialized to zero int PgmNo; // Initialize Program Number int PulseCnt=0; // Pulse Count int PulseCntHold=0; // Pulse Count Hold field int RandFlag; // Random Frequency Flag int RandNumber; // Randmon Number Field int RunPgm=0; // Run Program Switch 0 = Stop -1 = Run int temp; // temp of general purpose work & testing int temper1; // temp of general purpose work & testing int temper2; // temp of general purpose work & testing int Time; // use for Time Setting 1,2,5,10,20 or 30 minutes int TimeSwitch; // Holds Togle Swithc setting for Address Line (A?) unsigned long DoubleCk; // Used for checking if start button pressed twice unsigned long EndTime; // Used for timer control unsigned long EndTime2; // Used for timer control unsigned long RunTime; // Used for timer control unsigned long PerSecCnt=1; // Time Delay to control the number of pulses per second unsigned long Waste; // Waste time field for wasting time struct EPromObject { int field1; int field2; int field3; int field4; int field5; int field6; }; void setup() { PORTD = 0; // Make all data lines 0 DDRD = 0; // Insure Data Direction OUPUT is disable delay(1000); // This is to insure AC has settled down noInterrupts(); // Critical Timing disable Interrupt pinMode(ACenablePin, OUTPUT); // AC enable Pin defined as Output 6 digitalWrite(ACenablePin, LOW); // Insure AC enable Pin not triggering SCR pinMode(TrigPin, OUTPUT); // Trigger Capacitor Charge Pin as Output 7 digitalWrite(TrigPin, LOW); // Insure Trigger Pin not being fired pinMode(ZeroCrossPin, INPUT); // Zero Crossing Pin defined as Input 4 digitalWrite(ZeroCrossPin, HIGH); // Enable pullup resistor 4 pinMode(IntPin, INPUT); // Assign the Interrupt pin 2 digitalWrite(IntPin, INPUT_PULLUP); // Enable pullup resistor 2 attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(IntPin), breakout, RISING); Serial.begin(BAUD); // Set the baud rate to 9600 while (!Serial) { ; // wait for serial port to connect. Needed for native USB port only } pinMode(CycleLED, OUTPUT); // D05 --- NOT USING, using D13 instead digitalWrite(CycleLED, LOW); // Initialize LED to off state RunPgm=0; // Insure Program not running PulseCnt=0; // Insure Pulse Counter Intialized to zero temper1=analogRead(A1); // Read the Thermistor 1 to determing heat temperature temper2=analogRead(A0); // Read the Thermistor 2 to determing heat temperature Settings(); // Get all the settings and check temperature delay(StartDelay); // Before Firing anything wait awhile interrupts(); // Critical Timing completed enable interrupts IntFlag=0; // Interupt Flag randomSeed(analogRead(3)); // Randomize the random number generator } void loop() // Main Loop { if(IntFlag==true){ while(digitalRead(IntPin)==LOW){ // Look for a LOW 1st incase button is being held down delay(250); // give it some time to debounce } DoublePress=0; // Insure DoublePress initilized if(SoftVer==3 || SoftVer==5){ // Only perform for Version 3 or Version 5 option for(DoubleCk=0; DoubleCk<100000; DoubleCk++){ if(digitalRead(IntPin)==LOW){ DoublePress=1; // If here than it was a double press for(DoubleCk=0; DoubleCk<20; DoubleCk++){ digitalWrite(CycleLED, HIGH); // toggle the LED - ON delay(50); digitalWrite(CycleLED, LOW); // toggle the LED - ON delay(50); } DoubleCk=100001; // This breaks out of the DoubleCk Loop } } } //Serial.println(DoublePress); // Display DoublePress Flag delay(250); // give it some time to debounce IntFlag=false; // Turn off Interupt flag if(RunPgm==false){ // Flip the RunPgrm Flag Settings(); // Get all the settings and check temperature RunPgm=true; // If here set it to Run the Program RunTime=EndTime+millis(); // Reset the RunTime clock time counter } else{ if(PulseCnt>5){ // Interupt happened DisplayParamatures(); // display only if fired more than 5 times } else{ RunPgm=false; // If here set it to Stop the Program PulseCnt=0; // Reset Pulse count for next run } } interrupts(); // Critical Timing completed enable interrupts } if(RunPgm==true){ // On condition RUN Fire Routine if(RunTime>millis()){ // RUN only if not out of time Fire(PerSecCnt); // If here then everything is a go to RUN } else{ DisplayParamatures(); // If Serial Port on these will display if(TimeSwitch > 1){ // Check if doing pause and repeat RunTime=EndTime2+millis(); // Reset the RunTime clock with rest time while(RunTime>millis()){ // pause for as long as selected run time if(IntFlag!=true){ for(Waste=0; Waste<10000; Waste++) // I know - could of used 'Delay function' digitalWrite(CycleLED, HIGH); // toggle the LED - ON for(Waste=0; Waste<10000; Waste++) digitalWrite(CycleLED, LOW); // toggle the LED - ON for(Waste=0; Waste<10000; Waste++) digitalWrite(CycleLED, HIGH); // toggle the LED - ON for(Waste=0; Waste<100000; Waste++) digitalWrite(CycleLED, LOW); // toggle the LED - ON } else{ TimeSwitch=1; RunTime=millis(); RunPgm=false; IntFlag=0; } } } --TimeSwitch; // if here repeat for requested times if((TimeSwitch>0) && (IntFlag!=true)){ RunPgm=true; RunTime=EndTime+millis(); // Reset the RunTime clock with Dialed Time } } } } void DisplayParamatures(){ RunPgm=false; // If here set it to Stop the Program EPromObject customVar; // Vairables to store custom objects from EEPROM EEPROM.get(eeAddress,customVar); // Fetch data from EPROM Serial.println(" Speed Time Pulses SCR1 SCR2 TRM3"); // display header Serial.print("Prev Run "); // Some leading Spaces Serial.print(customVar.field1); // Print the Speed Setting Serial.print(" "); // Some leading Spaces Serial.print(customVar.field2); // Print the Time in Munutes Serial.print(" "); // Some leading Spaces Serial.print(customVar.field3); // Print the Pulse Count Serial.print(" "); // Some leading Spaces Serial.print(customVar.field4); // Print the Charging SCR1 thermister value Serial.print(" "); // Some leading Spaces Serial.print(customVar.field5); // Print the Coil SCR2 thermister value Serial.print(" "); // Some leading Spaces Serial.println(customVar.field6);// Print the Capacitor thermister value customVar.field1=7-PgmNo; // Speed customVar.field2=EndTime/60000; // Time customVar.field3=PulseCnt; // Pulses customVar.field4=analogRead(A1); // SCR1 Thermistor customVar.field5=analogRead(A0); // SCR2 Thermistor customVar.field6=analogRead(A6); // TRM3 Thermistor Serial.print("Last Run "); // Some leading Spaces Serial.print(customVar.field1); // Print the Speed Setting Serial.print(" "); // Some leading Spaces Serial.print(customVar.field2); // Print the Time in Munutes Serial.print(" "); // Some leading Spaces Serial.print(customVar.field3); // Print the Pulse Count Serial.print(" "); // Some leading Spaces Serial.print(customVar.field4); // Print the Charging SCR1 thermister value Serial.print(" "); // Some leading Spaces Serial.print(customVar.field5); // Print the Coil SCR2 thermister value Serial.print(" "); // Some leading Spaces Serial.println(customVar.field6);// Print the Capacitor thermister value EEPROM.put(eeAddress,customVar); // Put latest run into EPROM PulseCnt=0; } void Fire(int){ PulseCnt++; // Increment Pulse Counter testlp: digitalWrite(CycleLED, HIGH); // toggle the LED - ON while(digitalRead(ZeroCrossPin)==LOW); // Look for a LOW 1st to avoid starting in LOW while(digitalRead(ZeroCrossPin)==HIGH);// NOTE: when not connected it read high 4 delayMicroseconds(PulseDelay); // delay period after zero crossing about 5 millisecs digitalWrite(ACenablePin,HIGH); // 1. Enable AC to charge Charge Capacitor 6 delayMicroseconds(ACpulseTime); // AC SCR Trigger Time 100 to 500 microsecs digitalWrite(ACenablePin,LOW); // AC is enabled, turn off the trigger 6 if(FireSwitch < 2){ // Original Code without FireSwitch delayMicroseconds(PulseSpacing); // wait till next pulse digitalWrite(ACenablePin,HIGH); // 2. Enable AC to charge Charge Capacitor 6 delayMicroseconds(ACpulseTime); // AC SCR Trigger Time 100 to 500 microsecs digitalWrite(ACenablePin,LOW); // AC is enabled, turn off the trigger 6 delayMicroseconds(PulseSpacing); // wait till next pulse digitalWrite(ACenablePin,HIGH); // 3. Enable AC to charge Charge Capacitor 6 delayMicroseconds(ACpulseTime); // AC SCR Trigger Time 100 to 500 microsecs digitalWrite(ACenablePin,LOW); // AC is enabled, turn off the trigger 6 delayMicroseconds(PulseSpacing); // wait till next pulse digitalWrite(ACenablePin,HIGH); // 4. Enable AC to charge Charge Capacitor 6 delayMicroseconds(ACpulseTime); // AC SCR Trigger Time 100 to 500 microsecs digitalWrite(ACenablePin,LOW); // AC is enabled, turn off the trigger 6 delayMicroseconds(PulseSpacing); // wait till next pulse digitalWrite(ACenablePin,HIGH); // 5. Enable AC to charge Charge Capacitor 6 delayMicroseconds(ACpulseTime); // AC SCR Trigger Time 100 to 500 microsecs digitalWrite(ACenablePin,LOW); // AC is enabled, turn off the trigger 6 } if(FireSwitch == 2){ // Additional Code Options 2 if(PgmNo > 4){ // changed to 6 to disable this charging delayMicroseconds(PulseSpacing); // wait till next pulse digitalWrite(ACenablePin,HIGH); // 5. Enable AC to charge Charge Capacitor 6 delayMicroseconds(ACpulseTime); // AC SCR Trigger Time 100 to 500 microsecs digitalWrite(ACenablePin,LOW); // AC is enabled, turn off the trigger 6 } if(PgmNo > 3){ delayMicroseconds(PulseSpacing); // wait till next pulse digitalWrite(ACenablePin,HIGH); // 5. Enable AC to charge Charge Capacitor 6 delayMicroseconds(ACpulseTime); // AC SCR Trigger Time 100 to 500 microsecs digitalWrite(ACenablePin,LOW); // AC is enabled, turn off the trigger 6 } if(PgmNo > 2){ delayMicroseconds(PulseSpacing); // wait till next pulse digitalWrite(ACenablePin,HIGH); // 2. Enable AC to charge Charge Capacitor 6 delayMicroseconds(ACpulseTime); // AC SCR Trigger Time 100 to 500 microsecs digitalWrite(ACenablePin,LOW); // AC is enabled, turn off the trigger 6 } if(PgmNo >= 1){ // changed to >= 1 which now will do 80 volts // use be >1 which only did 60 volts 09-26-18 delayMicroseconds(PulseSpacing); // wait till next pulse digitalWrite(ACenablePin,HIGH); // 3. Enable AC to charge Charge Capacitor 6 delayMicroseconds(ACpulseTime); // AC SCR Trigger Time 100 to 500 microsecs digitalWrite(ACenablePin,LOW); // AC is enabled, turn off the trigger 6 } } digitalWrite(CycleLED, LOW); // toggle the LED - OFF delayMicroseconds(FireDelay); // Give enough time to insure AC is off delayMicroseconds(FireDelay); // Give enough time to insure AC is off delayMicroseconds(FireDelay); // Give enough time to insure AC is off digitalWrite(TrigPin, HIGH); // Trigger SCR to Discharge Cap trough the coil 7 delayMicroseconds(ACpulseTime); // defined a pulse width time digitalWrite(TrigPin,LOW); // Turn off Discharge pulse 7 delay(16); // Wait a real long time if (Therm1 > analogRead(A1)){ // Read the Thermistor to determing SCR1 temperature RunTime=millis(); // This terminates RUN by forcing TIME OUT in test above digitalWrite(CycleLED, HIGH); // toggle the LED - ON because of over heating } if (Therm2 > analogRead(A0)){ // Read the Thermistor to determing SCR2 temperature RunTime=millis(); // This terminates RUN by forcing TIME OUT in test above digitalWrite(CycleLED, HIGH); // toggle the LED - ON because of over heating } if (SoftVer > 2){ if (Therm3 > analogRead(A6)){ // Read the Thermistor to determing SCR3 temperature RunTime=millis(); // This terminates RUN by forcing TIME OUT in test above digitalWrite(CycleLED, HIGH); // toggle the LED - ON because of over heating } } if (RandFlag==1){ // If Random Flag on change the pulse rate RandNumber=random(1,18); // crazy way of selecting different pulse rate PerSecCnt=360/RandNumber; // Per Second Cnt controls pulse rate } delay(PerSecCnt); // run delay to control pulses per second } void Settings() { RandFlag=0; // Turn off Random Flag PgmNo = analogRead(SpeedRotary)/178+1; // read the Potentiometer value to determing speed FireSwitch = 0; // Default to Original Random & 5 Mode Capacitor charges if(SoftVer==2 || SoftVer==4){ // Do only if this Software Version 2 temp = analogRead(SpeedToggle); // Address (A?) to determing which RUN TIME is set if(temp > 100) // > then 100 means switch is set to position 1 or 2 FireSwitch = 1; // load for switch position 1 speed settings if(temp > 1000) // > then 1000 means switch is set to position 2 FireSwitch = 2; // load for switch position 2 speed settings } if((SoftVer==3 || SoftVer==5) && DoublePress==1) // Update to add double pressing of start switch FireSwitch = 2; // for units without a FireSwitch Serial.println(FireSwitch); // Display Toggle Switch if(FireSwitch == 0){ // Frequency Options 0 switch(PgmNo){ case 6: RandFlag=1; // if here Randdom Flag is activiated. break; case 5: PerSecCnt=865; // Delay Count to generate a 1.0 hertz rate break; case 4: PerSecCnt=370; // Delay Count to generate a 2.0 hertz rate break; case 3: PerSecCnt=205; // Delay Count to generate a 3.0 hertz rate break; case 2: PerSecCnt=115; // Delay Count to generate a 4.0 hertz rate break; case 1: PerSecCnt=75; // Delay Count to generate a 5.0 hertz rate break; } } if(FireSwitch == 1){ // Frequency Options 1 switch(PgmNo){ case 6: PerSecCnt=525; // Delay Count to generate a 1.53 hertz rate break; case 5: PerSecCnt=300; // Delay Count to generate a 2.31 hertz rate break; case 4: PerSecCnt=150; // Delay Count to generate a 3.68 hertz rate break; case 3: PerSecCnt=95; // Delay Count to generate a 4.63 hertz rate break; case 2: PerSecCnt=55; // Delay Count to generate a 5.43 hertz rate break; case 1: PerSecCnt=35; // Delay Count to generate a 6.0 hertz rate break; } } if(FireSwitch == 2){ // Frequency Options 2 switch(PgmNo){ case 6: PerSecCnt=20; // Delay Count to generate a 6.67 hertz rate break; case 5: PerSecCnt=1; // Delay Count to generate a 7.57 hertz rate break; case 4: PerSecCnt=1; // Delay Count to generate a 8.62 hertz rate break; case 3: PerSecCnt=1; // Delay Count to generate a 10.00 hertz rate break; case 2: PerSecCnt=1; // Delay Count to generate a 12.0 hertz rate break; case 1: PerSecCnt=1; // Delay Count to generate a 14.7 hertz rate break; } } Time = (analogRead(TimeRotary)/178+1); // read the Potentiometer value to determing run time TimeSwitch = 0; // Preload TimeSwitch for setting up Software Version 1 if(SoftVer==2 || SoftVer==4){ // check if actually Software Version 2 temp = analogRead(TimeToggle); // if here Address (A?) determines which RUN TIME is set if(temp > 100) // > then 100 means switch is in position 1 TimeSwitch = 4; // load to do RUN/REPEAT 4 times if(temp > 1000) // > then 1000 means switch is in Position 2 TimeSwitch = 8; // losd to do RUN/REPEAT 8 times } if((SoftVer==3 || SoftVer==5) && DoublePress==1) // Update to add double pressing of start switch TimeSwitch = 4; // for units without a TimeSwitch Serial.println(TimeSwitch); // Display Toggle Switch 2 switch(Time){ case 6: EndTime=60000; // Set to Run for 1 minute EndTime2=600000; // Rest Time set for 10 minutes break; case 5: EndTime=120000; // Set to Run for 2 minutes EndTime2=600000; // Rest Time set for 10 minutes break; case 4: EndTime=300000; // Set to Run for 5 minutes EndTime2=900000; // Rest Time set for 15 minute break; case 3: EndTime=600000; // Set to Run for 10 minutes EndTime2=1200000; // Rest Time Set to 20 break; case 2: // Changing PgmNo to >6 eliminates time restriction if (FireSwitch==2 && PgmNo>3){ // *** Normally set to PgmNo>3 *** EndTime=600000; // Set to Run for 10 minute EndTime2=1200000; // Rest Time Set to 20 } else{ //Serial.println("Run for 20"); EndTime=1200000; // Set to Run for 20 minute EndTime2=4800000; // set to Run for 40 minutes } break; case 1: // Changing PgmNo to >6 eliminates time restriction if (FireSwitch==2 && PgmNo>3){ // *** Normally set to PgmNo>3 *** EndTime=600000; // Set to Run for 10 minute EndTime2=1200000; // Rest Time Set to 20 } else{ //Serial.println("Run for 30"); EndTime=1800000; // Set to Run for 30 minute EndTime2=3600000; // set to Run for 60 minutes } break; } } void breakout() { // Breakout interrupt routine noInterrupts(); // Critical Timing disable Interrupt IntFlag=true; // Turn on Interupt flag }