Sharp Dresser



This page and following links are dedicated to an EMERGENCY radio communication technique should our cell phones and the internet fail.  Although there are topics referring to Amateur Radio communication,  this section is open to alternatives that the general population can employ.  Radios discussed in these articles will use radios that work in both the public radio communication domain and the Amateur Radio domain.  In this way any purchase made will be able to expand into Amateur Radio territory without the buyer being forced to make an additional investment in equipment.  As an additional benefit of making a very small investment in radio equipment the user will learn about alternative uses for these radios that have practical home and business applications.  Welcome to the world of radio communications..

Page Links:

Zoom Meeting 04-05-2024  General discussion and related references

Zoom Meeting 04-19-2024  General Discussion and more ACT (Alternative Communication Technique) info

Zoom Meeting 04-26-2024  General Discussion, ACT Clarification, Solar, Battery, and Antenna information

Zoom Meeting Week of .May 10th 9:00 AM  General email should you need it contact_9@aurorasky.net

Zoom Meeting Week of 9:00 AM, May 24th  (If you don’t already have the link request via CONTACT link)

Zoom Meeting Week at 9:00 AM, June 7th  (If you don’t already have the link request via CONTACT link) 


An important point I would like to make is that our ZOOM meetings will clear up a lot of the technical information and bring it down to something that anybody will be able to comprehend..  As you get familiar with some of this information you will be able to help others comprehend what is trying to be accomplished here.

FRS = Family Radio Service   GMRS = General Mobile Radio Service  MURS = Multiple Use Radio Service

FRS Frequencies                     GMRS Frequencies                                   MURS Frequencies

These services are all the public domain radio services available to Non-Licensed Amateur Radio enthusiast .  Both FRS and MURS are free to use by just owning a radio.  GMRS requires a license that takes nothing more than filling out an application form and paying a small 10 year license fee.

FRS Fequencies - Video,    Getting a GMRS License Link

Last update 06-04-24 by author - gsk