Sharp Dresser


The Bob Beck 4 Hz Device

The history around the Bob Beck device goes back, for me, to early 2013.  One of the most amazing experiences I had was when I was about to go have surgery on a ganglia cyst that needed to be removed.  After draining it twice it was time to schedule a more permanent fix.

Upon chance while reviewing Jason Verbelli’s website, I stumble across the Bob Beck Videos.  Considering the state of our health care industry, it was very easy to believe that alternative health techniques might be a better option to try verse surgery.   So in the interest of ‘research’ I decided to build a unit and experiment.  As you are expecting to hear, the cyst was gone in very short order.  It actually took 5 days for it to disappear.

I don’t know if this was a coincidence or a piece of fortuitous luck but here it is a year later and still no cyst.  This material should be investigated more thoroughly by others.  Build time is about 3 hours and materials at today’s  prices came to about $25.00.

The following pictures present a little history and shows the 1st & 2nd working units I made.   For my research I bought a microscope so I could monitor for any obvious blood changes.  I didn’t notice anything significant and was a little surprised on how clear and round the cells actually looked.  Pictures of the microscope are included.  Today I now have a much better unit which is available for reproduction.

Watch the Bob Beck videos, along with my pictures and videos to get an education in what can be done in the name of research.

1st Beck Prototype

Mount Technique 1

Mount Technique 2

Another lead placement technique

Blood imaging 1

Blood Imaging 2

Inside Final Version

1st Beck Prototype

Mount Technique 1

Mount Technique 2

Another lead placement technique

Blood imaging 1

Blood Imaging 2

Inside Final Version

Buck Converter on side

Stand alone Buck Converter

Stainless Probes

Buttoned Up 1

Buttoned Up 2

Step-Up Converter on side

Stand alone Step-Up Converter

Stainless Probes

Buttoned Up 1

Buttoned Up 2


Bob Beck Papers.PDF    Bob Beck Schematic and Pictorial.PDF

Latest Beck with Original Battery Charger Video 1     Using the Bob Beck Unit Video 2

Last updated 08-24-17 by author gsk